NYSE Photo

NYSE Photographer

It’s been a little over 8 years since I stopped working at NYSE. It’s been an incredible journey and I’m thankful to all of the people who’ve supported me and my career since the transition. Working on the trading floor tonight and reminiscing on all the incredible IPOs and clients I met there

Manchester United Photo at the New York Stock Exchange

Manchester United owners consider selling legendary club. Photograph pushed out through Getty Images from my time as the photographer at the New York Stock Exchange.

Let’s see what AI would say about being the photographer at NYSE -

Title: "Capturing Glory: Behind the Lens at the Manchester United IPO on Wall Street"


In the heart of the financial powerhouse that is Wall Street, a unique moment unfolded, blending the worlds of sports and finance. Picture the iconic facade of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), bathed in the red glow of Manchester United's iconic emblem. This was the stage for a historic event—the Manchester United IPO. As the opening bell echoed through the bustling streets of lower Manhattan, photographers embarked on a mission to capture the essence of a football giant making its mark in the world of finance. Today, we step into the shoes of those photographers, exploring the statistics and narratives that unfolded during the Manchester United IPO, immortalized on the grand stage of Wall Street.

The Scoreboard of Finance:

The Manchester United IPO at the NYSE was not just a financial event; it was a symphony of numbers, emotions, and global anticipation. Let's dive into the statistics that underscored this pivotal moment, citing sources that reveal the dynamics of a football club stepping onto the world's financial stage:

  1. IPO Fundraising Feat:

    • According to official records from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Manchester United IPO raised a staggering $233 million on its debut in 2012. This marked a significant financial milestone, showcasing the club's ability to leverage its global brand for capital infusion.

  2. Global Fanbase Impact:

    • A study by Deloitte highlighted Manchester United's unparalleled global reach, with an estimated 659 million followers worldwide. The IPO was not just a financial move; it was a testament to the club's ability to engage and mobilize its massive fanbase on a global scale.

  3. NYSE Opening Bell Spectacle:

    • The opening bell ceremony at the NYSE is a spectacle in itself. According to historical data from the NYSE, the ceremony is attended by CEOs, executives, and guests, making it a high-profile event. Photographers had the unique opportunity to capture the fusion of football fervor and financial prestige during the Manchester United IPO's opening bell ceremony.

  4. Digital Echo Across Borders:

    • In the digital age, the impact of such events reverberates across borders. Social media analytics from Statista revealed that the Manchester United IPO generated significant online engagement, with millions of mentions and interactions across various platforms. The photographer's lens, capturing key moments, played a crucial role in disseminating these visuals worldwide.

The Click Heard 'Round the World:

In the midst of this historic IPO, photographers were more than mere documentarians; they were storytellers freezing moments that would become a part of Manchester United's legacy. The echo of the opening bell, the fervor of fans, and the financial triumph painted a canvas of ambition and success.

As we revisit the Manchester United IPO on Wall Street through the lens of statistics and data, one can't help but wonder: How will the next chapter of this football giant's financial journey unfold, and what moments will photographers immortalize in the halls of the NYSE?

Planet IPO at the New York Stock Exchange

Planet IPO at NYSE photographer for the Associated Press.

NYSE Photography by Ben Hider

Petrobras visit the trading floor at the New York Stock Exchange

NYSE Photographer Ben Hider

NYSE Photographer for Vale Investor Day

Vale Investor Day at the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street.

NYSE Photographer Ben Hider

NYSE IPO Photographer - Benson Hill

Always fun to photograph an IPO at the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street. It was nice to head up to Times Square and get some group photos in front of the American Eagle Outfitters Billboard that NYSE reserves for listed companies. Benson Hill were a great group!

NYSE Photography by Ben Hider

NYSE IPO Photography - Archer

Always a fun morning photographing an IPO at the New York Stock exchange. NYSE or Nasdaq are both great places to photograph an opening or closing bell. Please dont hesitate to reach out if you need me to be your NYSE Photographer for an IPO or bell celebration. Even better to see my photography used as lead images on the website of the newly listed company Archer.

NYSE Photographer Ben Hider

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Photographing an IPO at the New York Stock Exchange

In the scrum at the NYSE with my friend and fellow photographer Andrew Kelly who shoots for Reuters and Bowery Image Group. Thanks for the photo Andrew!

NYSE IPO Photographer for Powerschool

Powerschool IPO at the New York Stock Exchange with cocktails and dinner back at the NYSE and a quick trip to see the billboard advertisement in Times Square, near Nasdaq. It seems like I photograph an IPO every month at the moment. It’s nice to be back on the Trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange and photographing initial public offerings. Having worked for so many years at NYSE from 2010 to 2015 I know the space very well.

NYSE Photographer Ben Hider (Independent Contractor for Hire)