Conference Photography

Las Vegas Conference Photographer

I love traveling as a photographer for clients. It allows me some time to see new places and work for new people. Of course a lot of my work is based in New York, but this month I travelled to Las Vegas and Los Angeles for Proscenium to cover 2 large conferences. My main juseob in Las Vegas was to document the incredible set, stage and lighting built and designed by Proscenium. I setup a few remote cameras around the venue at The Sands in Las Vegas and fired them while also shooting center stage with a long lens. I use a few Canon 5D Mark IV bodies with pocket wizard triggers and have found the new Fuji XF10 is a really great little remote camera to shoot stages with. It has a built in intervalometer and 24 megapixel APS-C size sensor. The files are perfect.

Las Vegas Conference Photographer based in New York City

Conference in Las Vegas

It's always a pleasure to travel for work especially with such an amazing team as the crew at Proscenium. Here are just a few of the thousands of photos I delivered in Las Vegas, Nevada to the client. I love photographing conferences with incredible speakers and some great stage design and lighting. I also love hidden remote cameras around the main stage to get some additional angles while I shoot.

Most photos take with a Canon 5D Mark IV and a Sony A9. I sometimes have a little Ricoh GR setup on the side for the diagonal shot of the stage. It has a little intervalometer built in so it can just tick along taking a photo every 10 seconds.

Conference at the Palace Hotel in New York City

It's always a pleasure to be the photographer at a conference in The Palace Hotel in New York City on Madison Ave. The Hotel does such a nice job with the setup and audio and lighting. It's really an easy place to photograph.

Images shot with a Canon 5D Mark IV, the new Canon 16-35mm F2.8 iii and Sony A9 with the incredible Sony 70-200mm F2.8 Lens.

Conference Photographer Ben Hider

Egypt: The revival of an Economy... Stability, Reform and Growth

Egypt: The revival of an Economy... Stability, Reform and Growth conference at the Plaza Hotel on October 16, 2017 in New York City. (Photos by Ben Hider)

Photographer Ben Hider

Alibaba Gateway '17 Conference in Toronto

It's such a great opportunity to work for a client as large and influential as Alibaba, and the access I'm given to Jack Ma is unprecedented, but sometimes its the view of the whole crowd that gives you the real picture of his importance. Here is one of my favorite photos from the past week in Toronto for Alibaba Gateway '`17

Jack Ma speaks at the Alibaba Gateway '17 conference in Toronto, Canada on September 25, 2017 (Photo by Ben Hider)

Jack Ma speaks at the Alibaba Gateway '17 conference in Toronto, Canada on September 25, 2017 (Photo by Ben Hider)

Conference Photographer Ben Hider

Sustainable Development Impact Summit - World Economic Forum at Convene Day 2

You can see the full gallery of images that I produced for the World Economic Forum - HERE.

Conference Photographer

Delivering on the ambitions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris climate agreement will require accelerating public-private cooperation and deploying new technological solutions. The Sustainable Development Impact Summit aims to advance both by providing a multistakeholder platform for concerted action. 

The World Economic Forum will work closely with leaders from government, business, academia and civil society who will be present in New York during the United Nations General Assembly to:

• Increase the impact of existing multistakeholder initiatives
• Catalyse new partnerships and alliances
• Explore how the advanced technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution could be better leveraged for sustainable development.